Comments on: Joaquín Magón: Coachella en el Corazon Mon, 16 Dec 2013 23:43:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Coachella en el corazón: Reflections on my home town « Youth Media for Building Healthy Communities Coachella en el corazón: Reflections on my home town « Youth Media for Building Healthy Communities Mon, 31 Dec 2012 23:28:34 +0000 [...] In entry 21 of the Diary of Joaquín Magón, his perceptions of his hometown in Coachella Valley are transformed by having lived elsewhere.  ”What amazes me about Coachella is how, in a sense, it sheltered me like a parent from what the world expected as ‘normal.’”  On Coachella Unincorporated. [...]

By: The girl who grew up on the "nice" end of the valley The girl who grew up on the "nice" end of the valley Mon, 31 Dec 2012 09:53:07 +0000 This entry speaks to me because I to am a product of this Valley and have also experience many of the feelings you have written about . After reading this I can’t help but to think of my childhood memories, the mystical summer nights underneath the stars with friends , and how I too was sheltered. My parents like yours “also worked hard to keep me from seeing the reality and becoming part of that reality”. It is now as an adult that I see the truth of this mystical place that I call home. It is now as a woman and no longer a naive girl that I SEE the stuggles of my community all 45 miles of it and beyond.

Like you the more I have seen the world the more I love the Coachella Valley for everything it is, for everything its is not, and for everything I hope for it to become with or without me .

What I have learned is that the Coachella Valley is a magical place. She gives gives and hardly asks for anything in return. There are those who take from her with out giving back and who forget to listen to the songs of her children. Those who take from her forget that she also has children on the eastern side of the valley who NEED their songs to be HEARD and not shunned away like they have for many years.

- The girl who grew up on the “nice” end of the valley.

PS: I find your writing to be very inspirational

By: Joaquín Magón: Coachella en el Corazon Joaquín Magón: Coachella en el Corazon Mon, 24 Dec 2012 15:57:00 +0000 [...] Read more at Coachella Unincorporated [...]
