Comments on: Joaquín Magón: Remembering César Incorporating the Voices of the Eastern Coachella Valley Wed, 08 Jun 2016 01:18:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: COMANDANTA RAMONA Mon, 07 May 2012 20:41:47 +0000 Mariche was right when she said “to quit can´t ever enter your mind” and we sould NEVER forget this. The path is long but is not enogh to walk it by ourselves, SI SE PUEDE has to come from people and not only from one person. What makes Cesar what he is was that he knew that ourselves alone, we are nothing. WE MUST WORK TOGETHER AND TOGETHER SHALL STAY!

I´m ready for this path because I know, just like Cesar did, that I´m not walking it alone.

Thank you Magon, I will not surrender!

